Class of 2017 - 2022

St Joseph’s GCSE Prize Giving Ceremony was held on Thursday 1st December 2022. The Music Department Traditional Group performed in the front foyer to set the atmosphere for the evening ahead and the hall was beautifully decorated by the Art Department.
Master of Ceremonies, Mr James Fox welcomed back the Class of 2017 – 2022, to celebrate their outstanding GCSE results and achievements.
The guest speaker for the ceremony was past pupil Dr Bogdan Zhigulin PhD, who works as a Research and Development Engineer within the Seagate Company in Derry. Dr Bogdan spoke of his time as a pupil in St Joseph's and the support of the staff and the many friendships that he made throughout his 5 years. He commented that 'anything is possible', if you want it bad enough, go and get it’. On the night he was wearing his senior St Joseph’s school tie, emphasising that he is and will always be a St Joseph's man , Vir Justus, the school's motto, a just and honourable man.
The boys were presented their GCSE certificates by Dr Bodgan and Subject awards were presented by the Chairman of the Board of Governors Canon Francis Brown, Principal Mr Declan Murray, and Heads of Departments and staff.
The following students were awarded the top prize in each subject:
Mathematics – Luke Coulter
Geography – Calum Kane
English Language – Luke Coulter
Statistics - Ciaran Maguire
History – Calum Kane
Religion – Luke Coulter
Science Double Award – Luke Coulter
Science Single Award – Finn Binks
Art & Design – Owen McFee
Music – Owen McFee
PE Studies – Joe McKay
Top Sportsman – Darragh Saul
TD /Construction – Ethan O'Connor
Craftsman Award – Luke Coulter
Vocational Studies – Filip Pekrun
ICT – Seamus Cranney
ECDL – Finn Binks
Personal Development Award – Jake Murphy
Home Economics - Tiernan Burns
Head Boy - Joseph McClenaghan
Inspirational Award ‘Anything is Possible’ – Lee Wells
Special Achievement Award – Ty Caldwell Collins
Principal’s Award for Endeavour – Ross O'Neill
Best Overall Student – Luke Coulter
Thank you to all staff who prepared and participated in an enjoyable evening. It was great to see the Class of 2022 back in St Joseph's.
Always remember that our door is always open.
Once a St Joseph's boy, always a St Joseph's boy!
Best wishes to you all for the future.
🇧🇾Vir Justus 🇧🇾