It is with profound sadness that we as a St Joseph's family mourn the passing of our School Chaplain Fr Tony Corr who has died Sunday 6th June 2021.
Fr Corr was an anchor of faith at our school, for many - providing strength and security during turbulent times and for others a dependable and ever ready source of security when sailing through uncharted waters.
His smile and wit were infectious and no request for assistance was ever turned down in his commitment to bringing the word of God into the lives and hearts of pupils and staff at St Joseph's.
Fr Corr will forever be remembered at our school for his unfailing devotion in serving others and sharing his faith within the whole school community so that all who met and listened to him became enriched through his friendship, reverence and humility.
May God almighty bless and protect his soul and bring comfort and strength to all who mourn his passing. Amen 🙏
