Today a group of our students listened to a presentation on the life and career of one of our past pupils Raph Morgan. I first met Raph Morgan at one of our Prize Giving Evenings 15 years ago and in recent years he has been very supportive of the school’s Facebook page and the success stories of our students. Raph was planning to visit our school and to give a talk about a career in Nursing. Unfortunately he took sick and died on the 22nd January 2019. On the day of his funeral, myself and Year 12 pupils met Raph’s sisters and family and Fr Paul Byrne. Fr Paul met Raph in 1974 as Year 8 pupils in St Joseph’s and remained best friends for 45 years. One of Raph’s sisters Mrs Agatha McCotter contacted me after the funeral asking could she fulfil one of her brothers dying wishes....to come and speak to our students about a career in Nursing. Today Agatha accompanied by Fr Paul spoke to our students about Raph, their time in St Joseph’s 45 years ago and Raph’s Nursing Career and his Lecturing in the School of Nursing and Midwifery in Queens University and Trinity. It was a lovely presentation with words of praise, wisdom, encouragement for our students. The message was work hard and reach for the stars because you can do it. Follow in Raph’s motto....BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Agatha presented the school with a memorial card which now hangs on the memorial board in our school oratory and a journal which has Raph’s work published. Thank you to both Agatha and Fr Paul for taking the time to visit today....Raph will always be a St Joseph’s lad. God Bless. Mrs S Byrne Music department