St. Joseph's
Boys' High School
> Principal's Welcome
Dia dhaoibh a chairde,
I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website and I hope it gives you flavour of what goes on in our outstanding and vibrant school on a daily basis.
I was fortunate enough to become Principal of St Joseph’s Boys’ High School in September 2015. I was fortunate because I was becoming part of a great school with a fantastic reputation. I was also gaining the opportunity to work with an incredible group of staff. Since that time we have worked together to make St Joseph’s the best school it can possibly be.

In St Joseph’s we pride ourselves on the high standards that we set for our pupils and staff. This is reflected in St Joseph’s achieving outstanding exam results that are consistently above other boys’ non-selective schools. We do this through offering a broad and balanced curriculum that provides our pupils with pathways to a successful future. This success could not be achieved unless our staff believed in the abilities of our pupils and consistently encouraged them to reach their full potential. This is mirrored in the extracurricular life in St Joseph’s. We offer every student a wide variety of activities and clubs and we constantly praise our students when they develop new skills or improve upon talents they already have.
St Joseph’s is a school where we place the pupil at the centre of everything we do. We know that between the ages of eleven and sixteen young men are going through a very significant period of their lives. We take these pastoral care responsibilities very seriously and we understand that caring for the wellbeing of our students is paramount. Our exceptional pastoral care is down to us treating each pupil as an individual and getting to know their unique characters. It is our Catholic Ethos that drives this desire to provide the caring environment that our pupils and parents appreciate so much. Staff in St Joseph’s recognise that learning is made much easier when pupils feel content and safe.
If you have any questions regarding St Joseph’s please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Is mise le meas
Declan Murray