St. Joseph's
Boys' High School
> Departments > Maths
Mathematics is a core subject for all students in years 8 to 12.
The Mathematics Department aims to:
Set challenging targets with high expectations for all students.
Offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate students and demand their active participation.
Enable students to acquire mathematical skills and knowledge with confidence, satisfaction and enjoyment.
Assist students develop the ability to apply Mathematics and other skills in everyday situations and in other school subjects.
Develop students’ understanding of the part which Mathematics plays in the world around them.
Mrs C Toman (HOD)
Mr P Mulholland
Mr M Gallagher
Mr J. Fox
At Key Stage 3 pupils will have opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of:
Space and Measures,
Handling Data.
They will also develop:
knowledge and understanding of personal finance issues; and skills to enable competent and responsible financial decision making;
the ability to apply of mathematical skills to real life and work situations.
Pupils will study GCSE Mathematics at either Higher or Foundation tier. By studying this course you will:
develop knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts;
acquire and use problem-solving strategies;
select and apply mathematical techniques and methods in mathematical, everyday and real-world situations;
reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions;
interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context; and
acquire a foundation appropriate to a further study of mathematics and other disciplines.
Unit M1 or M2 will be an external written test with a calculator lasting 1 hour 45 minutes.
This examination is worth 45%
Unit M5 or M6 will be an external written test consisting of two papers: one paper with a calculator and one without a calculator each lasting 1 hour.
This examination is worth 55%.
Unit M3 or M4 will be an external written test with a calculator lasting 2 hours.
This examination is worth 45%
Unit M7 or M8 will be an external written test consisting of two papers: one paper
with a calculator and one without a calculator, each lasting 1 hour 15
This examination is worth 55%.
Practice questions are vital in GCSE Mathematics and all students will be expected to complete regular homework’s. All students will need to own a scientific calculator.
What can I do with a qualification in Mathematics? – Just about everything! People with mathematics degrees and other qualifications can go into: accounting, medicine, engineering, forensic pathology, finance, business, consultancy, teaching, IT, games development, scientific research, programming, the civil service, design, construction, astrophysics and may other careers.