St. Joseph's
Boys' High School
> Departments > Home Economics
In St. Joseph’s, Home Economics is designed to develop in pupils the knowledge, understanding, practical skills and competences which will improve their quality of life. It is made available to all pupils at Key Stage 3 and as an option at Key Stage 4. At Key Stage 4, pupils may choose to study either GCSE Home Economics Food and Nutrition or Occupational Studies Patisserie and Baking/Contemporary Cuisine/Cake Decorating.
Miss K Legge (HOD)
Mrs M Rice (Technician)
The Home Economics Department aims to:
Foster enjoyment in the experience of learning and provide opportunities for pupils to demonstrate skills in the safe, hygienic, healthy and creative use of food;
Facilitate experience of working both independently and working effectively with others;
Encourage students to research and manage information effectively to investigate Home Economics issues including using Mathematics and ICT where appropriate;
Increase pupils’ understanding of issues by thinking critically and flexibly, solving problems and making informed decisions;
Encourage pupils to demonstrate creativity and initiative when developing ideas and following them through;
Increase pupils’ skills in self-management by working systematically, persisting with tasks, evaluating and improving own performance; and
Encourage effective communication skills in oral, visual, and written, mathematical and ICT formats, showing clear awareness of audience and purpose.
At Key Stage 3, Home Economics is delivered once a week 1 hour 10 minutes.
The Curriculum for Home Economics at Key Stage 3 addresses the statutory requirements of Learning for Life and Work which includes the key concepts of Healthy Eating, Home and Family Life and Independent Living.
Practical work is an important part of this subject.
We aim to cook every two weeks where pupils learn a wide range of techniques used in the planning and preparation of food.
Continuous Monitoring in Home Economics uses a variety of methods of assessment which assess cognitive processes, thinking skills and personal capabilities, attitudes and dispositions and cross curricular skills.
Year 8 Curriculum​
In Year 8, pupils study the following topics:
Safety, Hygiene and Equipment
Using a Cooker
Types of Food and Sources
Equipment Weighing and Measuring
Family Life
Personal Health and Hygiene
Nutrition and the Importance of Fruit and Vegetables in the Diet
Year 9 Curriculum
In Year 9, pupils study the following topics:
The Eat Well Plate
Kitchen Planning
Traditional Food
Food Hygiene
Food Storage
Safety in the Home
Year 10 Curriculum
In Year 10, pupils study the following topics:
A Healthy Diet and Lifestyle
Traditional Food
Multi-Cultural Influences on Food Choice
Food Hygiene
Dietary Disorders
Contemporary Cuisine
GCSE Home Economics Food & Nutrition
Through studying this specification, students develop knowledge and understanding of:
Home Economics;
Practical Home Economics skills;
Diet and health;
How to be a discerning consumer;
Issues that affect the quality of human life;
Human needs within a multicultural society; and
Relevant technological and scientific developments.
This specification encourages students to adopt a critical and analytical approach to decision-making and problem-solving in relation to home economics. It also encourages them to develop as effective and independent learners.
Occupational Studies Patisserie and Baking/Contemporary Cuisine
Occupational Studies - Food
The world-of-work is constantly changing. This qualification will give you the practical experience of sampling work related activities in different areas within the Hospitality and Catering Industry.
Through the study of this occupational studies strand you will:
Actively learn and employ skills for working life through an enjoyable ‘hands-on’ approach;
Gain knowledge through practical, work related activities;
Develop the transferable skills necessary in a changing and dynamic working environment; and
Be able to progress to other courses, particularly vocationally related courses, and to training and employment.
What will I study and how will I be assessed?
Unit 1
Section 1
‘Health and Safety’
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Unit 2
Section 1
‘Health and Safety’
Section 2
‘Breads & Scones’
Section 3
‘Cakes & Biscuits’
Section 4
‘Pastry Products’
NO written exams, all evidence based portfolio work completed in class time.
20% knowledge tests + 60% practical assessments + 20% evaluative work
1 unit x 2