St. Joseph's
Boys' High School
> Departments > CEAIG
To prepare students for the ‘World of Work’. To offer advice and guidance aimed at allowing our students to make informed Career decisions particularly at the ‘key transition’ stages (Year 10 and Year 12). To promote ethical Career choices and help our students to realise their full potential in the ‘World of Work’ and beyond.
Aim 1
Self-Awareness and Development - identifying, assessing and
developing the skills and qualities necessary to choose and implement an appropriate career plan.
Aim 2
Career Exploration - acquiring and evaluating information, and reviewing experiences to identify and investigate appropriate career pathways, whilst also learning about opportunities in education, training and employment on a local, national and international scale.
Aim 3
Career Management - developing skills in career planning, and employing effective career decision-making strategies to manage transitions and make suitable career development choices, with the appropriate support, advice and guidance.
Mr Daly
Skills and Qualities for work
The Changing World of Work
Career Exploration
Industry visits and talks
Young Enterprise Programme
Key Stage 4 Options - Preparation, advice and Guidance.
The Application Process
Rights at Work
Preparation for Work Experience
Career Exploration
Post 16 Options Information
Post 16 Application Completion
Further Education and Higher Education Providers information
Career Advisor Interviews
Labour Market Information