St. Joseph's
Boys' High School
> Admission Criteria
Admission Of Pupils Into Year 8 Criteria For Admission If Over-Subscribed
The Board of Governors of St Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Newry has determined that the following criteria shall be applied, in the event of the number of pupils applying for places in Year 8 in September being greater than the admissions number, in the order set down below. In selecting children for admission, children resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission to the schools will be selected before any child not so resident.
Pupils who normally reside in the following parishes: Newry, Saval, Donaghmore, Drumgath, Middle Killeavey, not listed in any order of preference.
Pupils who have brothers, half brothers presently enrolled in the school.
Pupils whose parent/guardian is presently a permanent member of the school teaching/ancillary/auxiliary staff (or who have been appointed to take up imminent employment in the school).
Pupils whose parent/guardian, brother/half brother are past pupils and are residing in the parishes listed in (1).
Pupils whose parent/guardian, brother, half brother are past pupils.
Other pupils.
In the event of the over-subscription within any of the above 6 criteria the following sub-criteria will be applied to determine which children should be admitted.
Pupils regarded by the Board of Governors, on the basis of supporting evidence provided by parents and/or statutory agencies, as having special circumstances e.g. medical, social or security factors.
Pupils will be selected on the basis of proximity of parents’/guardians’ home to the school as measured by the shortest walking route by public thoroughfare.
Priority will be given to those living nearest the school.
The lodging of an application is interpreted by the Board of Governors as an indication that the parents/guardians and the child concerned accept and are in agreement with the ethos, philosophy, aims, policies and regulations of the school including any code of conduct or discipline policy of the school. Information in relation to this may be obtained from the school.
Criteria For Transfer Between Schools
The Board of Governors of St Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Newry has determined that the following criteria shall be applied by the principal in the order set down below to all pupils seeking admission to Years 9 – 12.
Pupils will be considered for admission provided that the school will not exceed its enrolment number as determined by the Department of Education.
Pupils will be considered for admission provided that, in the opinion of the Board of Governors, they would not prejudice the efficient use of the school’s resources.
In selecting children for admission children resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission will be selected for admission to the school before any child not so resident.
Pupils regarded by the Board of Governors, on the basis of written or other evidence supplied by the parents/guardians and statutory or agencies, as having special circumstances e.g. medical, social or security reasons.
Pupils who normally reside in the following parish(es), Newry, Saval, Donaghmore, Drumgath, Middle Killeavey, not listed in any order of preference.
Pupils whose parent/guardian is presently a permanent member of the school teaching.ancillary/auxiliary staff (or who have been appointed to take up imminent employment in the school).
Pupils who have brother, half brothers presently enrolled in the school.
Other pupils
In the event of over-subscription in any one of the criteria, taken in order, pupils will be selected on the basis of parents’/guardians’ home to the school as measured by the shortest walking route by public thoroughfare.
The lodging of an application is interpreted by the Board of Governors as an indication that the parents/guardians and the child concerned accept and are in agreement with the ethos, philosophy, aims, policies and regulations of the school including any code of conduct or discipline policy of the school. Information in relation to this may be obtained from the school.